
Partnership between IEM and

New support and opportunity at IEM

This initiative aims to prepare and distinguish successful research results

Presentation of the book: “A Capela de Nossa Senhora da Ajuda e os Morgados dos Piornais: séculos XVI – XXI”


Centro de Estudos de História do Atlântico – Alberto Vieira, Funchal

MOOC: “Caça à baleia e os portugueses” (ROSSIO Infrastructure and NAU Platform)


Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Fray Lope de Olmedo y la “Reforma” Monástica en la Orden de San Jerónimo (1373 – 1567)” – Maria del Pilar Abellan Millán

05.12.2022 | 16:00

Zoom session

The Entail of the month of November is dedicated to the Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe

The Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Guadalupe, established in 1679 by Domingos Cardoso da Fonseca in Aldeia de Cima (Armamar), is now a a local accommodation unit