
[CALL FOR PAPERS] Clio@Thémis – Law and image: illuminated legal manuscripts

Submissions until 01.09.2020

Recovered voices, newfound questions: open access family archives and historical research

This edition, with support from the IEM, is now available for download

1st IEM Conference 2020: “La construcción de lugares de la memoria en la Cataluña bajomedieval: pasado y presente”, Pere Verdés (CSIC- Institución Milà y Fontanals de Investigación en Humanidades- Barcelona)

18.05.2020 | 16:00 - 17:00

Sessão Zoom

International Webinar “Heráldica em Manuscritos Jurídicos Europeus Itinerantes”

16.05.2020 - 20.05.2020

Zoom sessions

Workshop “MedCrafts – Os mesteres na cidade medieval portuguesa”

06.05.2020 | 9:30

Online workshop

Presentation of the Portal and Conference “Fernão Lopes nas Humanidades Digitais: Uma ferramenta para os Estudos Medievais”

30.04.2020 | 16:30

Zoom session