
IGAEDIS Project – The historical village of Idanha-a-Velha: city, territory and population in ancient times (first century BC – twelfth century AD)

PTDC/HAR-ARQ/6273/2020 financiado no último concurso 2020 Call for SR&TD Project Grants

Launch of the 3rd issue of OCEANICA – Newsletter of the UNESCO Chair “The Ocean’s Cultural Heritage”

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “O papel da história nas Cantigas de Santa Maria na Península Ibérica: inspiradora de novos milagres ou destino de velhos prodígios?” – Manuel Negri (Santiago de Compostela Univ.)

04.11.2020 | 16:00 - 18:00

Zoom session

Undergraduate class and postgraduate seminar, taught by Professor Juliette Day

27.10.2020 - 28.10.2020


2nd Conference IEM 2020: “Eucharistic Materiality and Lay Liturgical Experiences in the Early Middle Ages” – Juliette Day

26.10.2020 | 16:30

Zoom session

Opening of the Exhibition “Dominus Rex: as inquirições medievais dos reis de Portugal”, as part of commemorations of the 800th anniversary of the 1220 Inquisitions

20.10.2020 - 23.11.2020

Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, Lisbon