Arquivo.pt preserves millions of web pages collected since the 1990s and provides public access to this information for research purposes.
Every day, millions of pages are published on the web, but most of this information becomes unavailable after a short period.
The Arquivo.pt Award aims to annually recognize innovative works that use the historical information preserved by Arquivo.pt.
Submissions must be practical applications or studies based on information accessible through Arquivo.pt, highlighting the value of this public service and the importance of preserving information published on the web.
The works can cover topics from different areas, including Education, History, Sociology, Communication, Health and Information Technology.
How to apply?
Applications must be sent in Portuguese using the application form and include:
- Description of the work following the template (max. 2 000 words excluding captions and bibliography)
- a short Video following the technical requirements (max. 3 minutes)
- 1st place: €10,000
- 2nd place: €3,000
- 3rd place: €2,000
Honorable Mention
- Público Newspaper
- AMCC – Aveiro Media Competence Center
- .PT
- ‘”25 de Abril and Democracy”