“Construir e Reconstruir a Europa Urbana Medieval” (“Construction and reconstruction in medieval urban Europe”) is the most recent study published by IEM. Coordinated by Amélia Aguiar Andrade (NOVA FCSH and IEM) and Gonçalo Melo da Silva (IEM), this book is available at RUN – Repository of Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Composed of more than two dozen articles by researchers from countries such as France, Spain, Italy, Germany, and Portugal, this work features contributions from areas as diverse as History, Art History, and Archaeology. This multidisciplinary perspective is evident in the plurality of themes, ranging from the study of construction masters, strategies for supplying raw materials and financing the sector, to the importance of religious and military buildings within medieval cities and towns.

Published by IEM in conjunction with Castelo de Vide City Council, “Construir e Reconstruir a Europa Urbana Medieval” resulted from the VII International Days of the Middle Ages, which took place in 2022. In 2024, the VIII Days will occur on the 3rd and October 4th, in Castelo de Vide, with the theme “The Urban Societies of Medieval Europe”.