Call for papers | International Medieval Congress Leeds 2025
Submission of proposals until September 15th

As part of the International Medieval Congress 2025 (taking place in Leeds, United Kingdom), the call for papers for the session “Medieval warhorses: breeding, circulation and praxis“organized by Afonso Sousa (IEM – NOVA FCSH and Univ. of Coimbra) and João Nisa (CHSC-University of Coimbra).
Much has been written about the medieval war horse. Yet, many contributions to the topic continue to neglect several issues, namely its morphology, circulation, breeding, and use in combat, among other aspects, which continue to be revisited innovatively.
IMC 2025, which will take place between July 7th and 10th, 2025, will have the theme “Worlds of Learning”. To create an interdisciplinary forum, this call for papers aims to receive proposals that delve deeper into these animals and their partnership with medieval warriors from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Some topics of particular interest are the value of horses, horses as spoils of war, breeding policies, typology of war horses, representation of war horses in written and artistic sources, trade and circulation, training of animals and riders, manuals and treaties, or any other relevant matter.
Proposals must be sent to in English by September 15th, indicating the institutional affiliation and contact. They should be at most 250 words.