DEADLINE EXTENSION | Call for Papers | International Colloquium “The New Medieval Lisbon”
Submissions open until June 15th

The Call for Papers for the “New Medieval Lisbon” Colloquium, now in its sixth edition, is open until June 15th. This colloquium is organized by the Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM) of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. It will take place at Colégio Almada Negreiros between September 23rd and 25th, 2024.
Looking at Medieval Lisbon is looking at ways of occupying, transforming, and organizing space; is understanding the urban fabric and the composition of buildings; identifying models of social organization, uncovering powers and their intervention mechanisms in space and individuals; it is also to look at the cultural interpretations of space and men and how the city conditioned these interpretations. In short, looking at Medieval Lisbon means understanding this ambivalent relationship between the people and spaces of the city over an extended chronology that spans from Late Antiquity to the dawn of Modernity.
Communication proposals must be sent to the email and accompanied by the following documents:
- Detailed abstract (c. 500 words);
- Abbreviated CV of the applicant, explaining their academic training, possible institutional affiliation, and most significant scientific production.
Acceptance of proposals will be subject to validation by the Colloquium Scientific Committee and the subsequent publication of the texts presented.
The final program of the Colloquium will be published by July 15, 2025.