“Spin-off -The image as a tool for transmitting knowledge”

Communication is an increasingly key facet of our society. In the process of knowledge transmission, a core IEM objective¸ communicating provides one of the pillars for its successful occurrence. In the social sciences and humanities, communication processes are often not easy and the public may not always grasp the interpretation, whether due to the complexity of the subject or its means of communication.

However, interdisciplinary collaboration facilitates in the overcoming of these barriers, transforming historical knowledge into products that are both appealing and easy for different audiences to understand.

This presentation session, led by Luís Taklim (Anyforms Design, Lisbon), will demonstrate the importance of interdisciplinary dialogue in constructing communication products.

About the speaker:
Graduated in Graphic Design from the Faculty of Fine Arts, the University of Lisbon; Master’s Degree in Illustration from the Oporto School of Fine Arts. Associate Professor of Infography at the Faculty of Fine Arts, the University of Oporto. In 2001, he founded the agency Anyforms Design where he has been director of art since 2005.

He has furthermore collaborated on infographics and illustration with the Portuguese (“Expresso”, “Visão”, “National Geographic Magazine”), Spanish (‘El Mundo’, “La Vanguardia” and “El Pais”), French (‘Science & Vie’, “Le Figaro” and “Guerres et Histoire”) and American (‘The New York Times’) printed press. Over the last decade, he has developed infographics at Anyforms Design as a key service provider in the areas of science (University of Minho, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Universiteit Leiden), museology (Direção Geral do Património, Glorybox), historical recreation and heritage (English Heritage) and school education (Porto Editora, Editora Areal and Santillana). Currently, Illustrated Maps form the centre of the agency’s activities.

You can attend the session in person, at Almada Negreiros College, room 209, or online, via Zoom.

Registration for this presentation session is mandatory. To do so, please fill in the form provided here.