Presentation of “The Chronicles of Fernão Lopes” complete volumes
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
It is with great satisfaction that we inform that, on May 11th, the complete volumes “The Chronicles of Fernão Lopes”, edited by Professors Amélia P. Hutchinson and Teresa Amado, will be presented.
The presentation will take place at the Congress in Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI.
The first complete English translation of one of the major chronicles of medieval Europe, by ‘the father of Portuguese historiography’.
Until now, the chronicles of Fernão Lopes (c.1380-c.1460) have only been available in critical editions or partial translations; these volumes represent the first complete English translation of these major chronicles of medieval Europe. Comparable to the works of Froissart in France or López de Ayala in Spain, the chronicles provide a wealth of detail on late fourteenth-century politics, diplomacy, warfare, economic matters, courtly society, queenship and noble women, as well as concerns about food, health and a fluctuating currency. The chronicles provide an invaluable source for the history of Western Europe in the later Middle Ages. The first four volumes are accompanied by introductions and bibliographies setting the translations in context, and the fifth volume contains a general bibliography and a comprehensive general index of the chronicles.