Participation of the VINCULUM project in the VII Symposium of the RESISTANCE project
Universidade de Cabo Verde
The VINCULUM Project will be present at the VII Symposium of the RESISTANCE Project, entitled “Cultural Resistances in the Iberian Empires, 1500-1850”, which will take place at the Palmarejo Grande campus of the University of Cabo Verde, on June 6-8.
The VII Symposium intends to analyze the different forms of cultural resistance against the established order in the Iberian empires, in the period between 1500 and 1850, led by segregated and subaltern social groups. The debate will focus on the forms of resistance impregnated in daily life that are expressed through the world of objects (material culture), as well as those related to the arts, representations, languages, religious practices, forms of sociability and festivals.
With special participation, the VINCULUM Project will have the interventions of Maria de Lurdes Rosa, Artur Curvelo and Fábio Duarte, followed by the presentation of the results of the restoration work and study of the document “As capelas da Ilha do Fogo”, ending the intervention with the cocktail “Fogo de Honra”, offered by the VINCULUM Project to all participants.