It is now open, between March 1st and 31st, the FCT Call for Ph.D. Grants – 2023.
As usual, the IEM is available to monitor and support applications from all those who choose it as a host institution for their research project.
Expressions of interest should be sent to the following email: iem.geral@fcsh.unl.pt. These must be accompanied by the following documents:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Project summary (including the title of the work program, keywords, summary, objectives, and other elements that are considered relevant to the applicant).
National citizens, citizens of other member states of the European Union, citizens of third states, stateless persons, or citizens benefiting from political refugee status may apply.
To apply it is necessary:
- To live in Portugal permanently, if the work plan of the scholarship applied for takes place, in whole or in part, in foreign institutions (mixed scholarships or abroad), a requirement applicable to both national citizens and foreign citizens.
- Not have been awarded a research scholarship for doctoral studies or doctoral fellowships in companies directly funded by FCT, regardless of its duration.
- Not hold a doctoral degree.
Further information is here.
Please consult the tender notice, where you can find more details.