The International Congress Olisipo: Between Seas 2023, organized by the project Lisboa Romana – Felicitas Iulia Olisipo, will take place in Lisbon, November 23-25, 2023. This event aims to compose a global and multifaceted vision of ancient Olisipo and its region in the framework of the Ancient and Late Antique World.
The Congress will feature a number of internationally renowned speakers:
- Eduardo Ferrer-Abelda (Universidad de Sevilla)
- Francisco Nuñes Calvo (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
- Thomas Schattner (Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut)
- José María Álvarez (Museo Nacional de Arte Romano de Mérida)
- Ángel Morillo Cerdán (Universidade Complutense de Madrid)
- Amílcar Guerra (Universidade de Lisboa)
- José Cardim Ribeiro (Museu Arqueológico de São Miguel de Odrinhas)
- José D ́Encarnação (Universidade de Coimbra)
- Alice Toso (Bonn Universität)
- Jonathan Edmondson (York University)
- Dario Bernal Casasola (Universidad de Cádis)
- Carlos Fabião (Universidade de Lisboa)
- Chris Whickam (Oxford University)
In addition to the lectures, the Congress will host 20 posters.
This call for posters, open to the scientific community, is directed towards the search for papers resulting from relevant, original and innovative research in the fields of archaeology, anthropology, epigraphy and history, focusing on the Iron Age, Roman and Late Antiquity periods.
The poster proposal will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee of the meeting.
The poster proposal should present an abstract (word-compatible format) in Portuguese, Spanish or English, containing the title and abstract of the proposal, with a minimum of 1500 and a maximum of 5000 characters, including spaces. The order of the authors, their institutional affiliations and e-mail addresses should also be indicated.
Proposals should be sent, until March 30, 2023, to the e-mail of the Congress: congresso.entremares@cm-lisboa.pt
The communication of acceptance of the 20 selected proposals, or of the non-acceptance of a proposal, will take place until April 29, 2023.
All selected proposals may be published in the volume of Proceedings, being the texts subject to peer review process.