The MOOC dedicated to the topic “Inside the convent: Books and images in female monastic life”, coordinated by Dr. Paula Cardoso, in the context of the LITVIS Project – Literary and visual cultures in the shaping of female monastic life (Iberian Peninsula, c. 1350-1550) [Marie Sklodowska-Curie IF Grant Agreement no. 101030153], is now available in full on the Youtube channel: Materials d’aprenentatge UPF (@materialsdaprenentatgeupf2003).

This MOOC counted with the presence of IEM’s researchers and collaborators, in the following topics:

The MOCC presents a collection of books and works of art used by Portuguese female religious communities between the late Middle Ages and the early modern period. More than disclosing the heritage of these convents, it aims to present these works as testimony to the environment in which they were made and used, framing them in the history and daily life of the communities to which they belonged.

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