The “Encontro de Ciência 2022” (“Science Meeting 2022”), hosted by the Lisbon Congress Centre on 16, 17 and 18 May, will feature several presentations by the Institute of Medieval Studies.

Besides the poster presentations of doctoral students Abel Rodrigues, Alexandre Bento, Gabriel Venturini de Souza and João Luís Veloso, who are developing research at the IEM, two thematic sessions feature papers by researchers from the Institute:

Educação de Qualidade II | Room 5A 14h00-15h30
Maria de Lurdes Rosa | O projeto VINCULUM: ciência e comunicação de ciência

Arte, Cultura e Património II | Room 5B – 14h00-15h30
Fabio Barberini | O projecto STEMMA (PTDC/LLTEGL/30984/2017): olhar o passado para compreender o presente