NOVA FCSH Summer School 2022: Illuminated Legal Manuscripts Between Art, History and Literature
29.08.2022 – 09.09.2022
Online sessions
The program, organised by members of the IUS ILLUMINATUM Research Team, hosted by the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM) at the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Lisbon, aims to complement the training of future researchers in Art History, Medieval History and Literature and to provide students with an introduction to the production of illuminated legal manuscripts in medieval Europe (5th – 15th centuries) through an interdisciplinary approach.
Coordinating Professor: Maria Alessandra Bilotta
Professors: Fabio Barberini, Gianluca del Monaco, Jaime Moraleda Moraleda, Jorge Jiménez López, Jorge Prádanos Fernández, Maria Alessandra Bilotta, Serena Ammirati, Stefan Andreas Drechsler
CCPFC Accreditation: No
Registration: 18 July to 7 August 2022 | Email: