Invitation | Book Launch “Tenh’eu que mi fez el i mui gran ben – Estudos sobre Cultura Escrita Medieval dedicados a Harvey L. Sharrer”
Room E1, Colégio Almada Negreiros, Lisbon
The Institute of Medieval Studies, Universidad de Alcalá (UAH), the Institute of the Galician Language (ILG), and the International Association of Galician Studies (AIEG), are pleased to invite you to the presentation of the book “Tenh’eu que mi fez el i mui gran ben – Estudos sobre Cultura Escrita Medieval dedicados a Harvey L. Sharrer“, edited by Ricardo Pichel.
This book is a tribute to the distinguished academic career of Professor Harvey L. Sharrer, who contributed so much to the development, promotion and dissemination of Medieval Studies.
The book will be presented by its editor on December 6, at 12:00, in Room E1 (floor 0), Almada Negreiros College.