IEM researchers develop and participate in a multiplicity of research projects with their projection extending beyond IEM. On this page, we set out the social network dissemination activities for the research projects conducted by the researcher Maria Alessandra Bilotta.
Within the scope of the post-doctoral project “Portuguese legal manuscript production and illumination in the 14th and 15th centuries and its connections with manuscript production and illumination in the French Midi (especially Toulouse, Avignon and Montpellier) and in the Mediterranean Regions of Italy and Catalonia” – carried out at the Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM) of the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities of Lisbon and funded by the FCT- Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH / BPD / 74298 / 2010)
The “Cahier de recherche” on the platform “Hypothèses.fr” – “Manuscrits Juridiques du Midi: un carrefour artistique entre le Midi, l’Italie et la Péninsule Ibérique [Espagne, Catalogne et Portugal] – 13e-14e siècle”
– The Facebook page “Manuscrits Juridiques du Midi”
– The Twitter profile “Manuscrits du Midi“
Within the context of the research project as FCSH contract researcher “ManJurEurIt. European Itinerant Legal Manuscripts“, under which the Research workshop IUS ILLUMINATUM was set up.
– The website of Research workshop IUS ILLUMINATUM
– The Facebook page of Research workshop IUS ILLUMINATUM
– The Twitter profile “Ius Illuminatum – Research workshop“
Within the framework of research in the South of France, Maria Alessandra Bilotta was invited by the Centre d’Histoire Religieuse de Fanjeaux to manage:
– The Facebook page of “Cahiers de Fanjeaux“.