Postdoctoral Research Grant for the project “Books, rituals and space in a female Cistercian Monastery. Living, reading and praying in Lorvão in the 13th to 16th centuries”
Submissions until 25.06.2021
The project Livros, rituais e espaço num Mosteiro Cisterciense feminino. Viver, ler e rezar em Lorvão nos séculos XIII a XVI (Books, rituals and space in a female Cistercian monastery. Living, reading and praying in Lorvão between the 13th and 16th centuries) (PTDC/ART-HIS/0739/2020) was one of the applications approved by FCT in the last tender for projects. This project, based at the Institute of Medieval Studies (NOVA FCSH), has Researcher Catarina Fernandes Barreira as its PI and Professor Conceição Casanova as Co-Pi, and is now launching its first tender for scholarship applications.
Applications are open from 04.06.2021 to 25.06.2021 and with the terms and conditions in the announcement available on the ERACareers website.