We invite the submission of unpublished, original research work to the second edition of RiMS — Research in Medieval Studies: An International Meeting Series. 

This RiMS meeting, to take place in Coimbra, Portugal, on 2-3 December 2021, will congregate around the subject of communal organisation in the European urban parish from the Gregorian Reform to the Council of Trent. 

We call for research papers that draw upon sociological analyses of secular and ecclesiastical communities, their discourses and the interactions between them, in order to characterise the parish in its temporal and spiritual dimensions. 

Proposals may cover longer-term examinations or focus more narrowly on a period and place in Western and Eastern Christianity. Comparative approaches and contextualised micro-history are especially welcome. 

Researchers are invited to send a 500-words proposal and an up to two-page curriculum vitæ until 30 April 2021 to rimsmeeting@gmail.com