This issue, dedicated to the theme “Medievalismos Luso-Tropicais, Orientais e pós-Luso-Tropicais: Encruzilhadas da definição da Idade Média portuguesa como passado do Brasil. C. 1850 – C.1980“ (Luso-Tropical, Oriental and post-Luso-Tropical Medievalisms: At the crossroads of defining the Portuguese Middle Ages as the past of Brazil. C. 1850 – C.1980) coordinated by Professors Maria de Lurdes Rosa (IEM – FCSH) and Pedro Martins, may consulted or downloaded from the journal’s webpage.

This thematic dossier presents the results of two academic meetings dedicated to this topic, organised by the editors under the auspices of IEM-FCSH (Images, texts and representations research group) and the IHC, in 2018 and 2019.

The journal is available here.