The IEM supports the 1st Portuguese participation at the prestigious archival meeting in Liverpool
08.07.2019 - 12.07.2019

NOVA FCSH is the first Portuguese participant in the Archival Education and Research Institute (AERI) event. The AERI are annual meetings of teachers and researchers in archival education. This year’s meeting takes place outside the US for the first time and will be held in Europe, 8-12 July.
Made up of PhD researchers, PhD and MA students from the family archival studies group, the 14-member delegation is heading to the city of Liverpool in the United Kingdom in order to participate in one of the world’s most prestigious meetings in this field.
Participation in AERI results from the competitive selection of proposals, chosen for their scientific merit and capacity to meet the demanding expectations of a dynamic community of researchers, teachers and students, committed to the quality of their activities and the development of both their work and their field of study.
Besides gaining the opportunity to participate in this event that fosters exchanges among professionals, researchers and members of other academic communities, our participants will lead the workshop “Family Archives, Community Archives: History, Archival Science, Anthropology”, on the 11th, in Seminar Room 6, between 10:30am and 2:30pm.
This workshop represents an opportunity for all participants to show and discuss the developments in ongoing research as well as provide international colleagues with the opportunity to learn about the VINCULUM project in more detail, through the presentation by Maria de Lurdes Rosa, professor at NOVA FCSH and principal investigator and holder of the Consolidator Grant awarded by the European Research Council (ERC).
The Portuguese participation in AERI 2019 is supported by NOVA FCSH, through two Faculty research units, the Institute of Medieval Studies and the Institute of Contemporary History, through the group Memórias para todos, by CEPESE – the Centre for Population, Economy and Society Studies, and by the Universidad de La Laguna.