Professor Graça Videira Lopes is responsible for the first translation into Portuguese of one of the great classics of medieval Iberian literature, Amadis de Gaula, from the oldest known version, in Castilian, by Garcí Rodríguez de Montalvo of 1508.

This Institute of Medieval Studies – NOVA FCSH researcher and the Imaginauta publisher bring to light the translation of this work whose medieval original (Portuguese, Castilian? ) was lost, but which, in Montalvo’s version, as he explains, “crossed the borders of the Iberian Peninsula and became one of the most widely read chivalric romances in Europe until at least the 17th century (with translations into French, English, Italian, German, Dutch and Hebrew)”, and which is now also publicly available in Portuguese.

This publication will be publicly presented on April 6 at 4.30 p.m., at Marvila Library (R. António Gedeão, 1950-374 Lisbon).

The work is presented by Professor Nuno Júdice, who also wrote the preface.