Expansion in the IEM subject range in the 2nd semester of 2018/2019
More opportunities for studying Medieval History, Art History and Archaeology at NOVA FCSH

The Institute of Medieval Studies, the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University (IEM-NOVA FCSH) has expanded its subject range for 2018-2019, and thereby providing new training opportunities for 1st and 2nd cycle students.
Thus, 1st cycle students of NOVA FCSH may benefit from the opening of two more Curricular Units in Medieval History in the 2nd semester, both with a strong practical component, of intense work with documentation and research, in particular the CU “Espaços e Poderes na Idade Média“ (Spaces and Powers in the Middle Ages) and “História Cultural e das Mentalidades Medieval” (Medieval Cultural History and Mentalities).
In addition to this increase, and also in the 2nd semester, undergraduate students may join the “Atelier de Iniciação à Investigação em Estudos Medievais II” (Workshop for Initiation to Research in Medieval Studies II). Through this elective option and with a maximum of 8 places, students gain the opportunity to work actively with us and, thus, launch themselves into the daily realities of research by collaborating on projects in History, in Medieval Rural and Urban Archaeology, in History of Art and Illumination, and in the digital publishing of medieval texts [see below for the list of projects].
Furthermore, in the 2nd semester, and running for the 4th time this year, 2nd cycle students may select the elective option “Atelier de Investigação em Estudos Medievais” (Research Workshop in Medieval Studies). The selected students, with a maximum of 6 participants, will be able to work actively, as researchers, in the History, History of Art and Archaeology projects based at the IEM [consult the available projects below]. To this end, interested Master’s students should contact the IEM, via the email address iem.geral@fcsh.unl.pt, to express their interest in enrolling in this option.
The date of pre-registration for the elective option CUs closes on 5 February 2019, so we would suggest contacting us in due time to guarantee your place.
IEM based projects open to 1st and 2nd cycle students:
- Mesteres
- Medieval Portugal (in cooperation with Princeton University)