[CALL FOR PAPERS] – Medievalista
Medievalista, the Institute for Medieval Studies journal at NOVA FCSH, is now accepting submissions for the new issue.
Submissions until 19.12.2019

In the Middle Ages, the world was conceived as a book of divine origin which needed to be read and decoded according to its Demiurge and Creator. This cosmological vision had great impact upon the development of a thinking that looked at nature as a set of divine symbols and manifestations. Properly framed by the clerics’ oratory, animals were symbols of a unique efficacy. The critical observation and a reading of the works produced be medieval authors requires, for contemporary scholars, study and knowledge of the animal symbologies then used, in order to provide a more complete and effective understanding of the texts and images that Middle Ages bequeathed to us.
BESTIARY is the topic of this call for papers and the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM), a research center of FCSH / NOVA, invites scholars from Medieval Studies to submit their articles to Medievalista Journal until December of 2019.
Texts must respect the Editorial Policy and Autor’s Instructions, and can be written in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German and sent to medievalista@fcsh.unl.pt, following the template available.
The guidelines and templates can be consulted here.