[CALL FOR PAPERS] – International Conference “Arquivos, História e Memória, da Era das Revoluções à Primeira Guerra Mundial”
Submissions by 22.11.2019

After the original postponement, proposals for the International Congress “Arquivos, História e Memória, da Era das Revoluções à Primeira Guerra Mundial” (Archives, History and Memory; from the Age of Revolutions to the First World War) may now be submitted electronically via the form available on the congress website with submissions open until 22 November 2019 in any of the following languages: Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.
Notification of proposal acceptance will be subsequently delivered by email. After the congress, authors are then invited to submit the text of their papers for publication in an e-book following a positive decision by the anonymous evaluation panel.
The congress is taking place on 7th and 8th April 2020.