The session aims to bring together researchers who intend to apply for European funding in the most competitive framework of support for science, the ERC grants, in particular the Consolidator Grant.

Maria de Lurdes Rosa, professor at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University (NOVA FCSH) and an integrated Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM) researcher, in 2018 received the first ever Consolidator Grant (CoG) in the field of History awarded to a Portuguese researcher by the European Research Council (ERC).

Following this award and in accordance with recommendations from the ERC, which highlights the usefulness of sharing the experiences of “Grant Holders” as one of the most effective ways to foster new applications and consolidate those ongoing, the session “Application for ERC – CoG Grants: Sharing Knowledge and Experience” was planned.

This meeting aims to share the knowledge and experience acquired in the process of preparing a CoG application in order to help potential applicants.

In an informal atmosphere, we shall discuss the application procedures, the preparation of the scientific project, and the different stages of the competition.

This session will take place on 24 October (Thursday), from 9am to 12pm, and will be held at the Campolide Campus, in Room 306 of the Almada Negreiros College (a former Jesuit College).

Entrance is free but subject to registration. Due to the capacity limitations, 20 places have been reserved for registered participants, which will be filled in order of arrival by sending an email, indicating the respective NOVA FCSH research unit to which the researcher belongs, to: