Medievalista: new issue is now available!
Issue number 25 of the Medievalista journal of the Institute of Medieval Studies, the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University is now available

Issue number 25 of the journal of the Institute of Medieval Studies, the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University is now available and refers to the January-June 2019 period.
The present issue of Medievalista contains an important feature: the study by Iria Gonçalves on “A Cozinha e a Mesa em Loulé Medieval nos seus Utensílios de Uso Comum: o Testemunho dos Inventários de Órfãos”. Other articles include papers by William Trouvé on “El itinerário de una lista: de la Hispania visigoda a Italia beneventana, del Liber Iudiciorum al Pseudo-Isidoro“, by Ana Luísa Sonsino on “Os Leitores do Espelho de Cristina: um Recorte das Cortes”, by Lídia Amor with a text entitled “Delectare ed prodesse: aventuras, placeres y didactismo en el Conte du Papegau” and closing with Mário Farelo’s article “Roland Scriptoris ou de Lisbonne: un médecin, un professeur et un clerc portugais au XVe siècle”.
The usual Reviews section contains a piece by Filipe Alves Moreira on a recent book by Carmen Benítez Guerreto, and another by Pedro Chambel on the also recent collective book edited by Francisco José Díaz Marcilla and José Higuera Rubio. There is also Manuel Fialho Silva’s PhD dissertation on “Mutação Urbana na Lisboa Medieval: das Taifas a D. Dinis”, and Marcelo Cardoso Amato’s MA dissertation on the “Simbolismos dos Animais com Chifres em Bestiários Ingleses”, both of which were successfully defended last year.
The issue closes with Varia, which, through Ana Pagará and Catarina Fernandes Barreira, reports on the two conference cycles on manuscripts from the Monastery of Alcobaça. Clara Almagro Vidal also writes about the international workshop “The Ties that Bind: Rethinking Dependences in the Medieval Iberian Peninsula and Beyond”.
This and previous issues are available at