Registration is open for participation in the 3rd International Conference on the Middle Ages
11.10.2018 - 13.10.2018
Castelo de Vide

The 3rd International Conference on the Middle Ages take place from 11 to 13 October.
Resuming the discussion forum on the great themes and problems of the Middle Ages, this year the Conference will be dedicated to the theme “Inclusion and exclusion in Medieval Urban Europe”.
Several specialists with different nationalities and from various scientific fields, in particular history, archaeology, art history and literature, among others, will gather in Castelo de Vide to engage in the proposed scientific program.
This space for discussion is open to the assistance of other specialists and people interested in the topics to be discussed, by means of registration [here].
Besides the scientific component, the Conference will also have a socio-cultural program. During this meeting, the book resulting from the 2nd International Conference on the Middle Ages and the Autumn School, held in October 2017, will also be launched.
The International Conferences on the Middle Ages arise out of the partnership established between the Institute of Medieval Studies, the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University and Castelo de Vide Municipal Council.
Fulfilling the objectives established for the annual stage of these conferences, the present edition was preceded by conferences on the themes: “The role of small towns in the construction of medieval Europe” (6-8 October, 2016) and “Spaces and powers in medieval urban Europe” (5-7 October, 2017).