Issue 23 of Medievalista OnLine presents itself as a special issue, with the debut of a Thematic Brief: “Debuerit habere regnum. A Legitimidade nas Monarquias Medievais” (Debuerit habere regnum. Legitimacy in Medieval Monarchies). In the words of the scientific coordinators (Covadonga Valdaliso Casanova and Francisco José Díaz Marcilla): the “studies gathered in this dossier present cases of deposition, regicide and irregular proclamations, as well as analyses of processes of legitimation and/or delegitimation that involved recourse to various symbols and stages, the construction of propagandistic discourses and legal arguments, the writing of complex historiographical accounts and the elaboration of theories on tyrannicide”. This counts on the collaboration of Fabrizio De Falco; David Brégaint; Maria Joana Gomes; Éloïse Adde; Gabriel Ensenyat Pujol; Néstor Vigil Montes; Lucie Jollivet; Víctor Muñoz Gómez and Manuel Francisco Ramos.
This issue also provides, in the “Highlights” section, an extensive interview with Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho, a leading historian of Portuguese medievalism; an article by Miguel Aguiar “As crónicas de Zurara: a Corte, a Aristocracia e a Ideologia Cavaleiresca em Portugal no século XV” and as well as an article by Virgílio Lopes on “O Complexo Religioso de Mértola e os Baptistérios de Mértola na Antiguidade Tardia”.
The usual “Reviews” section is included, with analysis by Geraldo Augusto Fernandes on the work of Francisco de Moraes, Palmeirim de Inglaterra and, the “Thesis Presentations” section contains the recently defended M.A. thesis by Ana Marta Silva Pinto and the PhD thesis by José Manuel Triano Milán, both in the area of Medieval History.
This and previous issues are available at: https://medievalista.iem.fcsh.unl.pt/.