The book by Maria de Lurdes Rosa, integrated researcher of the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM) and professor at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University (NOVA FCSH), was approved for indexing by the most important international database of scientific referencing.
Published in 2017 and edited by Coimbra University Press with the collaboration of IEM, “Fazer e pensar a História Medieval hoje. Guia de Estudo, Investigação e Docência” aims to provide those interested in deepening their knowledge of the Middle Ages with a set of readings and current research topics, and to propose strategies for teaching and learning about this historical period.
After a first section dedicated to explaining the foundations of the proposal, the book successively addresses sets of national historiographies and selects relevant themes in the current history writings by medievalists.
The preface is by Jaume Aurell, a medievalist and specialist in Historiography. You may consult the index here.
In accordance with the open access policy, the book is available completely free for both consultation and downloading; the work can also be printed on demand via the Google Play app.