IEM Doctoral Students Day – a new debate space for doctoral students
Tower B, Aud. 2, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon

The first “IEM Doctoral Students Day” seeks to, based on the summarised exhibition of ongoing projects, build a space where doctoral students can present and discuss their work, both among themselves and with younger and older members of the Institute in order to better integrate their research into the wider scope of research and development ongoing at the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM).
This first meeting aims to bring together the doctoral students undertaking their theses at the IEM and thereby provide better mutual knowledge and exchange of experiences, both at the scientific level and on the working conditions and difficulties experienced by doctoral students. It is also hoped that this first IEM Doctoral Student Day enables the Institute of Medieval Studies to better welcome and support its postgraduates at this stage. All IEM members are welcome to participate in this initiative.