Information is now available on the call for applications for individual grants from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), which is funding 500 doctoral researcher contracts across all scientific fields.
This individual call is intended for doctorate holders of any nationality or stateless persons holding a degree in any scientific area who wish to carry out scientific research or technological development in Portugal, integrated into FCT funded R&D units.
This call is open between 19 January and 12 February 2018, closing at 5pm (Lisbon time).
Within the context of this call for Scientific Employment funding, the Institute of Medieval Studies, the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University (IEM-NOVA FCSH), as a Research Unit, agrees to host candidates presenting applications that fall within the scope of its Strategic Project.
In keeping with how candidates should previously identify the host institution where they wish to implement their research plan, those interested should contact the IEM-NOVA FCSH via email at iem.direcao@fcsh.unl.pt by February 1st.
All information and procedures are available on the FCT website, at: www.fct.pt/apoios/contratacaodoutorados/empregocientifico/ci_dez2017.phtml.pt