[CALL FOR PAPERS] – International Conference “Social Communication in Medieval Europe”
Submission deadline 01.06.2018

In the framework of the scientific collaboration agreement established between the Institute for Medieval Studies at Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the NOVA University of Lisbon (NOVA FCSH) and the Institute for Medieval Studies of the University of León, an international Conference on the topic “Social Communication in Medieval Europe” will take place in Lisbon in December 2018. This conference is also organized in the framework of the research project Corpus Inscriptionum Hispaniae Medievalium, funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Economia e Competitividad and leaded by Prof. Encarna Martín López, which has the participation of Alicia Miguélez, integrated researcher of IEM-NOVA FCSH.
This Conference seeks to provide a forum for scholars from all disciplines who are keen about approaching, discussing and advancing knowledge on the processes, forms and channels through which social communication in Medieval Europe developed. We will analyze the main areas where communication played a central role in the achievement of the most diverse objectives:
- Ruling and legislating;
- Trading and negotiating;
- Conquering and beyond (conflict resolution, pacification etc.);
- Educating and Training;
- Feeling, Believing and Expressing;
- Celebrating, ritualizing and performing;
- Creating and manufacturing.
Transversely, the main means of communicative transmission developed by Western medieval society will be approached, those including oral and aural communication; visual communication; written communication; gestural communication. Thus, the participation of specialists in the most diverse disciplines and areas of knowledge dedicated to the study of Medieval Europe will be essential, making it an interdisciplinary and international discussion forum.
We invite participation from graduate students and early career researchers to senior scholars. Papers in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French and Italian are warmly welcomed.
Proposals for either 3-paper sessions as well as individual papers will be welcomed. As for individual papers, presentations should be 20mins length.
Please submit an abstract of no more that 250 words and a brief CV to the email amiguelez@fcsh.unl.pt by June 1, 2018.
Conference Registration Fees:
Participation with Paper
75€ (Registration fee includes Materials and Coffee-Breaks)
30€ for general public
25€ for students