[CALL FOR PAPERS] – 2nd International Seminar “Architectures of the Soul”
Submissions by 08.07.2018

The 2nd International Seminar “Architectures of the Soul” aims to promote scientific study and discussion on architecture associated with spiritual practices centred on the search for wilderness and the experience of solitude. Multidisciplinary approaches are favoured, at the crossroads between different fields of knowledge and perspectives – history, architecture, landscape architecture, cultural heritage, art history, among others -, as well as comparative perspectives, based on similar studies carried out in other geographies of the southern Mediterranean. Particular emphasis is paid to digital methods and technologies as applied to religious architecture.
This call for papers is open until 8 July. Papers may address the history of spiritual practices associated with the search for the wilderness and solitude, their material expressions, the study and safeguarding of interrelated heritage or the application of digital technologies to the reconstruction of eremitic landscapes.
Papers should last no longer than 20 minutes and proposals must be written in English and include a title and abstract (maximum 300 words), the identification and institutional affiliation of the proponent, accompanied by an abbreviated CV.
For the submission of proposals and for further information, please go to: www.dinamiacet.iscte-iul.pt/seminario-arquiteturas-da-alma
Organisation: DINÂMIA’CET-IUL (ISCTE-IUL); Institute of Medieval Studies (NOVA FCSH); CHAIA (University of Évora); Centre for Religious History Studies (CEHR-UCP)
Coordination: Alexandra Paio, João Luís Inglês Fontes, José Saldanha, Paula André, Paulo Simões Rodrigues, Rolando Volzone