IEM researcher receives Augusto Botelho da Costa Veiga Prize
Miguel Gomes Martins won the Augusto Botelho da Costa Veiga Prize, awarded by the Portuguese Academy of History

“Guerreiros de Pedra. Castelos, Muralhas e Guerra de Cerco em Portugal na Idade Média” by Miguel Gomes Martins, was awarded the Augusto Botelho da Costa Veiga Prize (History of the Middle Ages) by the Portuguese Academy of History.
The award-winning work shows us not only the physical characteristics of the Portuguese fortresses of the Middle Ages, including castles and walled settlements but also all aspects of the struggle, usually expressed in siege operations, for control of these same strong points of territorial control.
Miguel Gomes Martins is a researcher at the Institute of Medieval Studies of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and has published numerous works (including monographs, articles and proceedings of national and international congresses) on the subject of the Military History of the Middle Ages.
The award ceremony of the Portuguese Academy of History will take place on December 7th in Lisbon, at the headquarters of the Portuguese Academy of History.