“Monjas e livros em Lorvão” is the highlight of the latest issue of the magazine História do JN (April 2024, no. 49). It corresponds to a 16-page dossier coordinated by Catarina Fernandes Barreira and Luís Rêpas, which makes known the work that has been developed within the scope of the Project “Books, rituals and space in a female Cistercian monastery. Living, reading and praying in Lorvão in the 13th to 16th centuries”.
This project, led by Catarina Fernandes Barreira, is based at the Institute for Medieval Studies and constitutes an interdisciplinary investigation in partnership with CESEM—FCSH UNL, the LAQV REQUIMTE Laboratory, also from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and the HERCULES Laboratory, from Évora University.
This dossier results from collaboration between JN História and the Institute for Medieval Studies. It includes texts by Alberto Medina de Seiça, Catarina Fernandes Barreira, Catarina Tibúrcio, Catarina Miguel, Conceição Casanova and Zuelma Chaves.