Ricardo Cordeiro

Ricardo Cordeiro, born in Lisbon in December 1984, graduated in History (ISCTE- IUL), with a post-graduate degree in Cultural Practices for Municipalities (NOVA FCSH), Master in Modern and Contemporary History (ISCTE-IUL), has a diploma in Advanced Studies in Modern and Contemporary History (ISCTE-IUL), attended a post-graduate course in Management and Policies of Science and Science and Technology (NOVA FCSH), is currently enrolled in the PhD in History at the Universidade Aberta of Lisbon.
Professionally, he has been working as a Science and Technology Manager since 2012, first at ISCTE-IUL and from April 2018 at the Institute of Medieval Studies of NOVA FCSH until the present. In this context he has attended several trainings among which we highlight the most recents: “Administrative Procedure Code for non-lawyers”, “How to Prepare Applications for Public Funding”; “The Parts of the Procedure in Public Procurement – Procedures by invitation and announcement”; “SIADAP – Performance Management according to Objectives and Competences”, “Research Data Deposit in Zenodo”, among many others. He is also part of the Working Group for Open Science at NOVA FCSH since September 2020.