Pedro Chambel

PhD Researcher at the Instituto de Estudos Medievais da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas of Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Phd in History, with the dissertation, Oa Animais na letaratura Clerical Portuguesa dos séculos XIII e XIV – Preença e Funções under the guidance of Professor Doutor Luís Krus, with the final classification of Very Good with distinction and praise, presented at the F.C.S.H. from Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Master in History with the master’s thesis A simbologia dos animais “A demanda do santo Graal”, guided by Professor Doctor José Mattoso and by Professor Doctor Luís Krus, with the classification of Very Good unanimously, presented at the F.C.S.H. from Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Member of the Núcleo Científico de Estudos Medievais Da F.C.S.H da U.N.L. until its extinction in 2003, due to the creation of the Institute of Medieval Studies.
Member of the editorial coordination team of the online magazine of the Institute of Medieval Studies, Medievalist, from its beginnings to the present, with the directors of Luís Krus, Bernardo Vasconcelos e Sousa, José Mattoso and Luís Filipe Oliveira.
project: Dictionary of Symbology Animals in Portuguese Medieval Culture.
In 2019 he was co-supervisor of Marcelo Cardoso’s Master’s Thesis Amato presented at the UNL FCSH under the theme: Os simbolismos Dos animais com chifres nos bestiários ingleses. In 2022, he taught the biannual seminar: Special Studies by zoom of the Master of Letras of Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais da Universidade Federal do Espirito.