Paulo Mesquita Dias

Paulo Mesquita Dias holds a BA in History (2013) and an MA in Modern History and the Discoveries (2015) from NOVA FCSH. His MA dissertation, A conquista de Arzila pelos Portugueses – 1471, won ex aequo the National Defence Prize (2016) awarded by the Portuguese Commission of Military History. He is currently a researcher at IEM – Instituto de Estudos Medievais of NOVA FCSH, where he is developing a PhD project in Medieval History, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), which focuses on the military operations carried out by the Portuguese Crown in Morocco, roughly between the conquest of Ceuta (1415) and the disaster of Mamora (1515). His interest for disseminating History among the general public led to the creation of the podcast Falando de História (Speaking of History), as well as to the publication of several books, the most recent one of which was Atualizar a História. Uma Nova Visão sobre o Passado de Portugal (Desassossego, 2022).