Maria Adelaide Miranda

Degree in History from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, Master and Doctorate from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon. She is a Retired Associate Professor and Research Fellow at IEM-FCSH. Her research areas focus on Romanesque Art, in the fields of illumination, color and iconography. She coordinated interdisciplinary research projects: Imago; Color in Medieval Illumination (three projects); and Hebrew Illumination in Portugal during the 16th century. XV). She is an editor member of Revista Medievalista, IEM-FCSH / UNL. As most relevant publications – A iluminura de Santa Cruz no tempo de Santo António.Lisbon: INAPA, 1996; Scientific and General Commissioner for the exhibition and catalog Iluminura em Portugal. identity and influences. April 1999;-in collab. Ana Lemos, Ana Claro, Catarina Miguel, M. João Melo “Color in Portuguese illumination: an interdisciplinary approach”, Revista de História da Arte, nº 5, IHA-FCSH-UNL, 2008; in collab. Maria João Melo and Rita Castro “Color in Medieval Portuguese Manuscripts: Between Beauty and Meaning. In Science and Art: The Painted Surface. Cambridge: The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014 ;In collaboration Luís Sousa “Artistic confluences around 1200: Cistercian illuminated manuscripts – Alcobaça and Las Huelgas de Burgos” in Afonso VIII Y Leonor de Inglaterra: artistic confluences around 1200. Madrid: Ediciones Complutense, 2017.