Luís Filipe Oliveira

Graduated in History from the University of Lisbon and PhD in Medieval History from the University of Algarve, he is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences of that University. He is an integrated researcher at the Institute of Medieval Studies (I.E.M.), and a collaborator at the Center for the Study of Religious History at the Catholic University. Since 2007, has been a member of the Editorial Board of the Medievalista, the review edited by I.E.M, and is currently the magazine director. He is also a member of the Editorial Councils of several reviews: Alcanate. Revista de estudios Alfonsíes (University of Seville), E-Strategica, (Iberian Association of Military History) and Estudios Medievales Hispánicos, (University Autonoma of Madrid). He has published several books and about a hundred works in specialized magazines, in collective works and in entries in Catalogs, Dictionaries and Encyclopedias in the country and abroad. In recent years, he has been working on the Medieval Algarve and, above all, on military orders, war justification discourses (crusade and reconquest), or on the presence and influence of the militias in medieval cities.