Lluis Sales Favà

Doctor in History at the University of Girona (2019), he is currently working as a research fellow at the IEM-Universidade Nova de Lisboa on a project on the maritime and land trade of the city of Barcelona between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. He had previously been a postdoctoral research associate at King’s College London in the framework of a research project on the production, trade and consumption of wax and honey in late medieval Europe funded by the Leverhulme Trust. He has specialized in the study of private credit and nonpayement in rural contexts during the Late Middle Ages. He has worked with unpublished sources emanating from the local civil courts to describe the mechanisms through which defaults were prosecuted, thus sustaining the credit market. In different publications he has highlighted the capacity of the Catalan servile peasantry to get involved in court actions in defense of their own economic interests. He has also focused on other spheres of peasant standards of living, especially in commercial livestock and the sale of manufactured products in the market towns of northeastern Catalonia.