Hélio Pires

Master in Viking and Early Medieval Studies, PhD in Medieval History, author of Vikings em Portugal e na Galiza and Mitos e lendas nórdicas. Contributed with a chapter to El Mundo Nórdico Medieval, História Global de Portugal and Nólë Hyaemenillo: an anthology of Iberian scholarship on Tolkien and with four entries to the Dicionário de História e Cultura da Era Viking. In 2019, taught an intensive course on Norse mythology at Lisbon University’s Faculdade de Letras and, in 2020, was twice an external jury member, once for a Masters’ dissertation and another for a PhD’s, plus an external jury of a project submitted to the Icelandic Research Fund. He is also an ad hoc reviewer for the journal Scandia and produces small videos on Viking History and Norse mythology, including the modern use of myths. Has a book on the historical origins and uses of runes in the process of being published.