Graça Videira Lopes

Graça Videira Lopes was a professor at the Department of Portuguese Studies at FCSH/UNL (now retired). With a PhD in Medieval Literature (1993), her work has focused particularly on Galician-Portuguese Troubadour Lyrics, in this context being responsible for the «Galician-Portuguese Medieval Songs» database, online since November 2011», which resulted from the FCT Littera project ( 2008-2011). She was also coordinator, with Manuel Pedro Ferreira, of the project “Models and variations: Iberian medieval lyric in troubadour Europe” (supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation) which resulted in the new database Contrafacta. The results of his last FCT project, “From singing to writing – material production and paths of Galician-Portuguese lyric” (PTDC/LLT-EGL/30984/2017, from 2018 to 2022) are available on the Stemma website.
In addition to her numerous papers, she is the author of the books: Cantigas galego-portuguesas – corpus integral profano, Lisboa, Biblioteca Nacional, 2016 (with Manuel Pedro Ferreira); Do canto à escrita: novas questões em torno da Lírica Galego-Portuguesa. Nos cem anos do Pergaminho Vindel, Lisboa, IEM/CESEM, 2016 (with Manuel Pedro Ferreira); Cantigas de trovadores – de amor, de amigo, de maldizer, Jornal Público, 2015; Cantigas trovadorescas: da Idade Média aos nossos dias with Manuel Masini), Lisboa, IEM, 2015; Cantigas de escárnio e maldizer dos trovadores e jograis galego-portugueses, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 2002; A sátira nos cancioneiros medievais galego-portugueses, Lisboa, Ed. Estampa, 1998.