Giulia Rossi Vairo

Giulia Rossi Vairo is Visiting Professor at the Department of History of Art, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas – Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NOVA FCSH). She holds a Degree (1996) from La Sapienza Rome University, a Postgraduate Certificate (2001) in History of Modern Art from the Scuola di Specializzazione in Storia dell’Arte Medievale e Moderna of Rome, a PhD (2014) in History of Medieval Art from NOVA FCSH and from 2015 to 2022 was Post-Doctoral fellow of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) at the same University.
During the course of her studies, she has undertaken investigations in Italy, Portugal and Spain with funding from various fellowships awarded by Italian and foreign institutions. She is author of several essays, book chapters, and articles in indexed journals, published in different languages, and editor of volumes of miscellanea.
Fields of research: historical, cultural and artistic relations between Italy and Portugal (14th-19th c.); medieval tomb monuments; Italian painting (15th-16th c.); history of art collecting (19th-20th c.); history of conservation and restoration of artworks.