Gabriel Venturini

Born in the Azores but raised in Guinea-Bissau and Brazil. Part of the Board of Honor and Valor in the 12th year, at Escola Secundária Miguel Torga, in Monte Abraão. Bachelor’s degree and Master in Archeology, being the best student of the class on both occasions. Recipient of a PhD grant from the FCT, started in 2018. Currently (in 2022) completing a PhD in History, medieval archeology branch.
Integral part of the Institute of Medieval Studies since 2015. Member of several projects, the main ones being: EICAM- Estudo Interdisciplinar de Comunidades Alto medievais. O caso de Viseu (séculos IV a XII), between 2013 and 2016; IGAEDIS – Da Civitas Igaeditanorum à Egitânia. A construção e evolução da cidade e a definição dos seus territórios da época romana até à doação dos Templários (séculos I a.C. a XII d.C.), between 2017 and 2020; The historical village of Idanha-a-Velha: city, territory and population in ancient times (first century BC. – twelfth century BC), starting in 2021 and ending in 2024.