Catarina Tente

Foto de Catarina Tente

PhD in Archaeology from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa since 2010. Between 1998 and 2003 she worked as an archaeologist at the Portuguese Institute of Archaeology, and was its Deputy Director between 2003 and 2006. She is currently Associate Professor of Archaeology at the Department of History of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, where she was, between 2012 and 2021, coordinator of the Archaeology Degree. Between 2016 and 2021, was Deputy Assistant Dean for Research at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. She has been a researcher at the Institute of Medieval Studies since 2012, where she has been developing several research projects related to medieval communities in Central Portugal. She has directed and codirected 14 projects funded by different public and private entities (municipalities, FCT and FCG) and collaborated in nine research projects, six of which were international. She has carried out 44 archaeological excavations, mainly at medieval sites in central-northern Portugal. She has also participated in 100 conferences/communications in scientific meetings held in Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Germany and is the author of more than 120 articles and books published in Portugal and abroad. She has also directed ten PhD theses, three of which were successfully defended, and 24 Master’s theses.
