Bruno Faustino

Foto de Bruno Faustino

Bruno Miguel Duarte Faustino has a degree in History from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra. He is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in History in the area of ​​Medieval History at the same institution. He also interned at the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage with the Machado de Castro National Museum as a host location under the APXXI program. He currently works as a research fellow at the Institute of Medieval Studies of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa with the project entitled “The Commercial and Maritime Activity of Foz do Mondego at the Dawn of Modernity (1450-1550)”. Additionally, he has participated in scientific congresses as a speaker, participant, and collaborator in their organization. His area of ​​research focuses on economic, maritime, and port history, especially trade in the late Middle Ages and early modernity, and he has even contributed to some academic publications.
