António Rei

Contracted Researcher at NOVA FCSH, in IEM, unit research where he is integrated since 2007. He has collaborated in several national (Univ. do Algarve, Univ. Clássica de Lisboa, Univ. Coimbra, Univ. Católica) and international projects (Univ. Alcalá de Henares, Univ. de Granada, Univ. Complutense de Madrid, Univ. Lyon Lumière II, Univ. de Tours François Rabelais, Univ. Fed. Rio de Janeiro, Univ. Est. de Campinas), from 2007 to the present.
He is member of several R&D institutions, national and international (Spain, Morocco and Brazil); and is also journal reviewer in three indexed journals, two Portuguese and one Spanish. He has more than a hundred papers published, mostly in indexed journals and conference books, chapters in collective works, and others, in Portugal, but also in Spain, France, Italy, Brazil and Morocco.
His area of work is generally al-Andalus, with special incidence on the Garb al-Andalus, with various sub-themes of work, in which stand out the Garb al-Andalus in Arab Geography; Caliphal Memories in the Chronicle of the Moor Rasis and in the General Chronicle of Spain of 1344; Construction of the discourse of the “reconquest”; Sufism in al-Andalus, and in the Garb; Mozarabs: their culture, identity, and sociology; The Mozarabic novel and linguistic and literary marks in current Peninsular languages; Arabic memoirs in the Old Book of Lineages; Science in al-Andalus: agronomy, botany, health care, food; Individuals and paths in the Garb al-Andalus: prosopographical surveys.