Ana Cláudia Silveira

Ana Cláudia Silveira holds a PhD in Medieval History by FCSH/NOVA, with the thesis Setúbal, um pólo de poder da Ordem Militar de Santiago no final da Idade Média, which was awarded an Honorable Mention by the jury of the A. de Almeida Fernandes Medieval History Prize in 2023. She is a member of the team of the UNESCO Chair “The Cultural Heritage of the Oceans”, which operates under the coordination of CHAM – Humanities Centre (FCSH/NOVA).
She has published works focused on the organization and development of coastal spaces, on the exploitation of the maritime resources, on the territorial management promoted by the Military Order of Santiago in its domains, on the relationship of the institution with other powers, on the urbanistic practices developed and also on the presence of the mendicant orders in the lordship of the institution.
In 2016 she has received the Alberto Sampaio History Prize with the work “Lavrar o Mar: a dinâmica da produção de sal em Setúbal no contexto dos salgados portugueses. Etapas de uma afirmação internacional” and, in 2017, was awarded the Prize Doctor José Silva Maltez of the Research Centre Professor Doctor Joaquim Veríssimo Serrão / Câmara Municipal de Santarém for the work “Testemunhos históricos sobre a evolução da linha de costa em Portugal”.
Her professional activity has been developed around her teaching career and as a senior technician, both in local administration and in central administration, exercising functions related to museology, heritage management and cultural programming.